Parts of the Body Affected by Diseases
Disease Affected Body Part Arthritis Joints Asthma Bronchial Muscles Cataract Eyes Diabetes Pancreas Diptheria Throat Eczema Skin Glaucoma Eyes Goitre Thyroid Gland Jaundice Liver Leukemia Blood Malaria Spleen Meningitis Brain and Spinal Cord Otitis Ears Paralysis Nerves Pneumonia Lungs Polio Legs Pyorrhoea Teeth and Gums Rheumatism Joints Sinusitis Inflammation of sinus linings Tonsillitis Tonsils Trachoma Eyes Tuberculosis Lungs Typhoid Intestines
Diseases and Causative Agents
Causatice Agent | Disease |
Bacteria | Diptheria, Gonorrhoea, Meningitis, Cholera, Leprosy, Typhoid, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Plague, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia |
Virus | Chichken Pox, Small Pox, Measle, Mumps, AIDS, Yellow fever, Influenza, Dengue fever, Rabies, Polio-meritis phelebotomus |
Protozoans | Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Kala-azar, Leishmaniasis, Amoebic dysentery |
Fungus | Athlete's foot, Ringworms, Madura foot, Dhobi's itch |
Helminthes | Filaria, Tapeworm and Hookworm transmission |
Important Information about Human Body
- Biggest Organ: Liver
- Heart Beat: 72 times in a minute
- Master Gland: Pituitary
- Number of Bone: 206
- Number of Muscles: 640
- Number of chromosomes: 46 or 23 pairs
- Normal Blood Pressure: 80 to 120
- Teeth: 32
- Volume of Blood: About 7 litres in normal body or about 7% of the total body weight.
- Largest; Part of human Brain: Cerebrum