Thursday, January 24, 2019

💥100 Important Polity One Liner💥

1. Who is the person fondly known as the Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution? ---- Dr.
B. R. Ambedkar

2. First attempt in world to constitute a Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution was
made by ---- America

3. The first attempt by Indians to write a Constitution to India was done by a Committee
headed by Motilal Nehru, which is known as ---- Nehru Report

4. The idea of the Constitution of India was flashed for the first time by ----- M. N. Roy

5. The plan of setting up ofa Constituent Assembly to draw up the future Constitution for India
was given by ---- The Cabinet Mission Plan

6. The members of the Constituent Assembly were ---- Elected by Provincial Assemblies

7. Which of the following word wasadded into the Preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd
Amendment Act, 1976? ---- Socialist

8. From which Constitution wasa concept ofa 5-year plan borrowed into our Constitution? ----
-------- USSR

9. The procedure of Amendment to the Constitution is borrowed from the Constitution Of ------
------------ South Africa

10. Which country is the bestexample for the Federaland Unitary Governments? ---- America
and Britain

11. Which of the following is not a Democratic Institution of the Rig Vedic era? ---- Grama

12. During Medieval India, which kings firstestablished ‘Local Self Government’? ---- Cholas

13. The East India Company wasestablished in the year ---- 1600

14. Which Charterempowered the British Governors of Presidencies to make Bye-Laws,
Rules, Regulations in conformity with the British laws? ---- Charter of 1726

15. Who started Dual Government in Bengal? ---- Robert Clive

16. Who is the first Governor General of Bengal? ---- Warren Hastings

17. Which is the first written document in the Constitutional History of India? --- The
Regulating Act, 1773

19. Which Act created for the first ‘The Supreme Court’? ---- The Regulating Act, 1773

20. First Law Commission was appointed in India forcodification of laws under the
Chairmanship of ----- Lord Macaulay

21. Which Act made the beginning ofa Parliamentary System in India? ---- Charter Act of

22. Under which of the following Act, the Crown of England took the affairs of the
Government of India into its own hands? ----- Government of India Act, 1858

23. The Governor General of India wasalso the representative of British Crown to Princely
States in India and hence was known as the ---- -------Viceroy of India

24. Which Act for the first time gave an opportunity for Indians to enter into the sphere of
Legislature? ----- Indian Councils Act, 1861

25. Which Act made the beginning of Electoral System in India? ------------- Government of
India Act, 1858

26. Which of the following Act made the Indian Legislature Bi-cameral for the first time? ----
Government of India Act, 1919

27. The famous Dandi March laid by Gandhiji wasagainst ------------------ Salt Tax

28. Which proposal was referred as ‘Post Dated Cheque’? ----- -------The Cripps Proposal

29. Indian National Congress started ‘Quit India Movement’after the failure of --------- Cripps

30. Gandhiji gave a call to all Indians ‘Do or Die’, which is popularly known as --------- Quit
India Movement

31. Which Plan rejected the demand for the independent Pakistan? ----- Cabinet Mission Plan

32. Partition of British Indiainto two independent nations India and Pakistan was done
according to ----- Mountbatten Plan

33. The Federal features of the Indian Government was introduced by the ----- Government of
India Act, 1935

34. Which feature was borrowed by the Indian Constitution from the British Constitution? ---
---------- Law making procedure, Parliamentary System of Government, Rule of law

35. The Constitution supports ---- Rule of Law

36. In Britain, Parliament is supreme; accordingly which among the following is supreme in
India? ----- Constitution

37. The Government of India Act 1935 provided for ----- Establishment of Federal Court,
Diarchy at Center, Provincial autonomy

38. The Act of 1935 abolished ----- Diarchy in the Provinces

39. The Constitution of India wasenacted by a Constituent Assembly set up ----- Under the
Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946

40. The Constituent Assembly of India wascreated as per the proposal of --------- Cabinet

41. In which year did the Cripps Mission come to India? ----- --------1942

42. The Constituent Assembly set up under the Cabinet Mission Plan had a strength of ----389

43. The strength of the Constituent Assembly,after the withdrawal of the Muslim League, was
reduced to --- 299

44. How many Committees wereset up by the Constituent Assembly for framing the
Constitution? ---- 13

45. Who of the following acted as the Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly? ----
-------------B. N. Rau

46. Demand fora Constitution, framed by a Constituent Assembly was made by ----Gandhiji

47. The idea ofa Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution for India was first mooted by --
--- Swaraj Party in 1928

48. Who started with presentation of the ‘Objective Resolution’ on 22.01.1947? -------------
Jawaharlal Nehru

49. When was the ‘Objective Resolution’ moved and adopted? ------------------13.12.1946 and

50. The Members of the Constituent Assembly were ----- Elected by Provincial Assemblies

51. The Constituent Assembly of India held its first meeting on ---------- 09.12.1946

52. Which one of the following acted as the Provisional President of the Constituent
Assembly? ----------- Sachidananda Sinha

53. The Constituent Assembly elected on 11.12.1946 as its Permanent Chairman ---------
Rajendra Prasad

54. Who elected the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly? ------
B. R. Ambedkar

55. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee to prepare a Draft Constitution of India was ------
B. R. Ambedkar

56. The name of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar isassociated with which of the following? -----
Chairman-Drafting Committee

57. Who among the following was member of the Drafting Committee? ----- ----Ambedkar,
Gopalachari Ayyangar, Alladi Krishnaswami

58. Many Provisions in our Constitution have been borrowed from the Government of India
Act ---- 1919

59. The Government of India Act 1919 introduced a system of diarchy in the provinces.
‘Diarchy’ means a system of ------ -------Double government

60. When was the Constituent Assembly established to form the Constitution? ---- 06.12.1946

61. The Constitution of India wasadopted on ------ 26.11.1949

62. The Constitution of India cameinto force on ------ 26.01.1950

63. The Constitution of India contains (Articles, Parts, Schedules) ------ ------444, 24, 12

64. How much time did the Constituent Assembly take to preparethe Constitution of India? ---
-- -------------02Y, 11M, 18D

65. Who had given the idea ofa Constitution for India ofall? ----- M. N. Roy

66. The Constitution of India is ------- written and bulky document

67. The Constitution framed by a Committeeconsisting of the people representatives is called
as ----- Written Constitution

68. Constitution which provides fora series of semi-autonomous states joined together asa
nation is ------ Federal Constitution

69. Centralization of power is an important feature in ----- Federal Constitution

70. The Constitution which can be amended by simple act of the legislature is known as ------
Flexible Constitution

71. Which one of the following provisions of the Constitution came into force soon after its
adoption on 26.11.1949? ---- Provisional Parliament, Provisions relating to Citizenship,

72. India has been described under Article 1 of the Constitution asa ------ Union of States
73. The Constitution of India is ------ Partly rigid and partly flexible

74. The Constitution of India describes India as ------- A Union of States

75. The Indian Constitution is recognized as ------ Federal in form and Unitary in spirit

76. The feature common of both Indian and American Federation is ------- Supreme Court to
interpret Constitution

77. The Indian Constitution came into force on 26.01.1950, hence this day is celebrated as -----
Republic Day

78. January 26th was selected as the date for the inauguration of the Constitution because -----
Congress had observed it as the Independence Day in 1930

79. 26th November, 1949 is a significant day in ourconstitutional history because --------- The
Constitution was adopted on this day

80. Which one of the following exercised the most profound influence on the Indian
Constitution?--------The GoI Act, 1935

81. The Parliamentary system of Government in India is based on the pattern of ----- Great

82. To whom does the People of India gave the Constitution to ---- Themselves

83. The beginning word ‘WE’ in the Preamble refers to the ----- Citizens of India

84. The important test to identify the basic features of the Indian Constitution is ----- Preamble

85. The Preamble to the Constitution contain ----- Fraternity, Democratic, Sovereignty

86. India isa Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. In the Indian Constitution, this
expression occurs in ----- --------Preamble

87. The Preamble to the Constitution declares India as ----- -------Sovereign Socialist Secular
Democratic Republic

88. The Preamble of Indian Constitution has been amended so far ----- ------------Once

89. The Preamble wasamended by the ----- -------42nd Amendment, 1976

90. ‘Fraternity’ means ----- spirit of brotherhood

91. The words ‘Socialist Secular’ were ---- Added by the 42nd Amendment

92. ‘Liberty’ in our Preamble does not include Freedom of ---- Action

93. Which among the following is an aid to the Statutory Interpretation? ---- -----Preamble

94. Which of the key to open the minds of the makers of the Constitution? ----- Preamble

95. If the Head of the State isan elected functionary fora fixed term, it is known as ____State.
----- --------Republic

96. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the ------- Objective Resolution

97. Objective Resolution was silent as to the concept of ____ which was inserted into the
Preamble by the Constituent Assembly -------------Democratic

98. Universal Adult Franchise shows that India is a _______ country. ------------- Democratic

99. Who proposed Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? ------------
Jawaharlal Nehru

100. The Preamble of our Constitution reads ------ We, the people of India in our

Constituent Assembly adopt, enact and give to

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