• 1. A Person Who Is Above Hundred Years - Centenarian (सौ वर्ष का)
- 2. A Book Published After The Death Of Its Author - Posthumous (मरणोपरांत)
- 3. A Book Written By an Unknown Author - Anonymous (गुमनाम)
- 4. A Cinema Show Which Is Held in The Afternoon - Matinee (तीसरे पहर के नाटक का गायन)
- 5. A Citizen Of The World - Cosmopolite (वैश्विक)
- 6. A Contagious Disease Which Spread Over A Huge Area - Epidemic (महामारी)
- 7. A Drug Or other Substance That Induces Sleep - Soporific (निद्रादायक)
- 8. A Flesh-Eating Animal - Carnivorous (मांसभक्षी)
- 9. A Game In Which Neither Party Wins - Draw (निष्फल)
- 10. A Government By a King Or Queen - Monarchy (राज-तंत्र)
- 11. A Government By The Noble - Aristocracy (शिष्टजन तंत्र)
- 12. A Government By The Few - Oligarchy (अल्पतन्त्र)
- 13. A Government By The People - Democracy (लोकतंत्र)
- 14. A Government By The One - Autocracy (एकतंत्र)
- 15. A Government By The Officials - Bureaucracy (नौकरशाही)
- 16. A Government By The Rich - Plutocracy (धनिक तन्त्र)
- 17. A Grass Eating Animal - Herbivorous (शाकाहारी)
- 18. A Handwriting That Cannot Be Read - Illegible (अपठनीय)
- 19. A Land Animal that Breeds In Water - Amphibian (उभयचर)
- 20. A Life History written By Oneself - Autobiography (आत्मकथा)
- A Loss or Damage that Cannot Be Compensated - Irreparable (अपूरणीय)
- A Man Devoid Of Kind Feeling and Sympathy - Callous (निर्दयी)
- A Man Who has Too Much Enthusiasm For His Own Religion - Fanatic (कट्टर)
- A Man Who Is Easily Irritated - Irritable (चिड़चिड़ा)
- A Medicine That Kills Germs - Germicide (कीटाणुनाशी)
- A Medicine That Prevent Decomposing - Antiseptic (सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा)
- A Medicine to Counteract The Effect Of Another Medicine - Antidote (प्रतिकारक)
- A Member Of The Middle Class - Bourgeois (संपत्तिजीवी)
- A Method That Cannot Be Imitated - Inimitable (अननुकरणीय)
- A Pardonable Offence - Venial (क्षम्य)
- A Person Appointed By Parties To Settle The Dispute Between Them - Arbitrator (पंच)
- A Person Difficult To Please - Fastidious (दुराराध्य)
- A Person Liable To Be Called To Account For His Action - Answerable (जवाबदेह)
- A Person Supported By Another and Giving Him/Her Nothing In Return - Parasite (मुफ़्तखोर)
- A Person Who Always Thinks Of Himself - Egotist (अहंकारी)
- A Person Who Cannot Read or Write - Illiterate (अनपढ़)
- A Person Who Does Not Believe In The Institution Of Marriage - Misogamist (विवाहद्वेषी)
- A Person Who Hates Women - Misogynist (स्त्री द्वेषी)
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