1. A Done Deal
- An agreement that has been finalized
- (एक सौदा जिसे पूरा कर दिया गया है)
2. A Bad Egg
- Someone who behaves in a bad or dishonest way.
- (बुरा और अविश्वाशी व्यक्ति)
3. A Bag Of Bones
- A very thin person or animal.
- (बहुत कमजोर इंसान/जानवर)
4. A Beast Of Burden
- A draught animal that carries or pulls heavy loads, such as a donkey, mule, llama, camel, horse or ox.
- (कामगार पशु)
5. A Bed Of Roses
- A situation or activity that is comfortable or easy.
- (आसान काम)
6. A Bed Of Thorns
- Full of difficulties.
- (काफी दुःखद)
7. A Bee In One's Bonnet
- To be obsessed with a certain idea, to be preoccupied with something.
- (विचारमग्न होना)
8. A Big Gun
- Someone who has an important or powerful position.
- A person or company with a lot of power and influence.
- (महत्वपूर्ण अथवा शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति/कम्पनी)
9. A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush
- it's better to hold onto something one has already than to risk losing it by trying to attain something better.
- (उपलब्ध चीज़, अनुपलब्ध चीजों से अधिक मूल्यवान होती हैं।)
10. A Bird Of Passage
- A transient, one who is here today and gone tomorrow.
- (एक जगह स्थिर न रहने वाला)
11. A Bird Of Prey
- A bird, such as an eagle or a hawk, that kills and eats small birds and animals.
- (क्रूर पक्षी)
12. A Bird's Eye View
- An overall or cursory look at something.
- (सरसरी निगाह से देखना)
13. A Bit Of
- A small portion, degree, or amount.
- (संक्षिप्त में कहना/करना)
14. A Black Sheep
- A worthless or disreputable family member.
- (बेकार/गवारा आदमी)
15. A Blessing In Disguise
- Something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later.
- (छिपी हुई वरदान)
16. A Blue Stocking
- An intelligent and well-educated woman who spends most of her time studying and is therefore not approved of by some men.
- (ज्ञानी व चालाक औरत)
17. A Bolt From The Blue
- A sudden, unexpected and Unpleasant event.
- (अचानक बुरी खबर)
18. A Bone Of Contention
- The main issue of a disagreement; something to quarrel about.
- (फसाद की जड़)
19. A Bone To Pick
- A grievance that needs to be talked out.
- (एक समस्या जिसे निपटाना जरूरी हो)
20. A Broken Reed
- Weak or unreliable support.
- (एक कमजोर व अविश्वाशी व्यक्ति)
- ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
1. A Brown Study
- The condition of being so lost in solitary thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings: absent-mindedness, abstraction, bemusement, daydreaming, muse, reverie, study, trance.
- (सपनों में खोये रहना)
2. A Bundle
- A number of things or a quantity of material gathered or loosely bound together.
- (किसी चीज की अधिक मात्रा)
3. A Burning Questions
- An urgent or crucial issue under heated discussion.
- (एक ज्वलंत मुद्दा)
4. A Cash Cow
- A product or service that makes a lot of money over a long period of time for the company that sells it, often money that is used to support the company's other activities.
- (आमदनी का निरंतर स्रोत)
5. A Cast The Eye
- Aslight squint.
- To look at something quickly and perfunctorily.
- (तिरछी नजर से देखना)
6. A Cat and Dog Life
- A life in which partners are constantly or frequently quarrelling.
- (कलहपूर्ण/झगड़ों से भरा जीवन)
7. A Cat In Gloves Catches No Mice
- Being too careful or too polite can actually cause a person to be unsuccessful in reaching his or her goal.
- (ज्यादा होशियारी ले डूबेगी)
8. A Cat's Paw
- A person used by another as a tool ; dupe.
- (किसी के इसारे पर नाचने वाला; भोला-भला इंसान)
9. A Chain Is No Stronger Than Its Weakest Link
- A group is only as strong or successful as its weakest or least successful member.
- (कमजोर पहलु सबसे खतरनाक होता है)
10. A Chicken-Hearted Person
- Someone who is easily scared or cowardly in nature.
- (कायर/बुजदिल इंसान)
11. A Child's Play
- An extremely simple task or act.
- (एक आसान काम)
12. A Chink In Someon's Armour
- A fault in someone's character or an argument that may cause problems for them.
- (किसी में कोई कमी जो उसके मुसीबत बनता है)
13. A Chip Off The Old Block
- Someone who resembles their parent in character or appearance.
- (स्वभाव में बिलकुल अपने माँ-बाप की तरह होना)
14. A Chip On Your Shoulder
- Being angry about something that happened in the past; holding a grudge.
- (अतीत को याद करके पछताना)
15. A Clean Slate
- A situation in which everything bad or wrong that you have done in the past is forgiven or forgotten, and you can make a new start.
- (एक नई शुरुआत)
16. A Close Shave
- A narrow escape from serious danger or trouble.
- (दुर्घटना से बाल-बाल बचना)
17. A Close-Fisted Man
- Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money; Miser.
- (कंजूस इंसान)
18. A Cock and Bull Story
- A wildly exaggerated or falsified story or explanation.
- (बकवास/फ़ालतू/मनगढ़ंत कहानी)
19. A Cog In The Machine
- Someone or something that is functionally necessary but of small significance or importance within a larger operation or organization.
- (उच्च पद पर बैठा गैर जरुरी इंसान)
20. A Cold Blooded Murder
- Murdered In a purposely ruthless and unfeeling manner
- (नृशंस हत्या)
1. A Cold Reception
- Half-hearted welcome.
- (बेमन से स्वागत करना)
2. A Cold Shoulder
- To deliberately ignore someone in an unfriendly way.
- (किसी को जानबूझकर नज़रअंदाज़ करना)
3. A Cool Head
- To stay calm in a difficult situation.
- (कभी घबराने नहीं वाला)
4. A Cry For The Moon
- Want the impossible.
- (असंभव इक्षा)
5. A Cry In The Wilderness
- A warning of a danger given by a person or small group which most people do not pay any attention to.
- (खतरे की घंटी)
6. A Curtain Lecture
- A scolding or rebuke given in private, esp by a wife to her husband.
- (पत्नी की डाँट)
7. A Dark Horse
- A little-known person or thing that emerges to prominence, especially in a competition of some sort, or a contestant that seems unlikely to succeed.
- (अप्रत्यशित विजेता)
8. A Day Late and A Dollar Short
- Action that was taken too late and is too feeble to be of any use.
- (पल भर की देरी काम डुबाये)
9. A Dead Language
- Language No Longer Being Used.
- (निष्प्रभावी भाषा)
10. A Dead Letter
- A letter that is unable to be delivered to the recipient or returned to the sender; No Longer In Use.
- (निष्प्रभावी)
11. A Dead Lock
- A situation where a set of processes are blocked because each process is holding a resource and waiting for another resource acquired by some other process.
- (किसी काम में अड़चन)
12. A Die Hard
- Strongly or fanatically determined or devoted; Stubborn.
- (जिद्दी, हठीला)
13. A Different Kettle Of Fish
- To be completely different from something or someone else that has been talked about.
- (दूसरों से बिल्कुल अलग होना)
14. A Dime a Dozen
- Very common and of no particular value.
- (आसान व साधारण)
15. A Dog In The Manger
- A person who spitefully refuses to let someone else benefit from something for which he or she has no personal use.
- (दूसरों की मौज-मस्ती में बाधा डालने वाला)
16. A Double Agent
- Someone who works as a spy for a particular country or organization, but who also works for its enemies.
- (जो दोनों तरफ से जासूसी करता हो)
17. A Doubting Thomas
- A skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience.
- (बिना व्यक्तिगत प्रयोग के किसी धारणा को नहीं मानने वाला)
18. A Drop In The Bucket
- A very small amount compared with what is needed or expected.
- (ऊँट के मुँह में जीरा)
19. A Drop In The Ocean
- A very small amount compared with what is needed or expected.
- (ऊँट के मुँह में जीरा)
20. A Drug In The Market
- A commodity no longer in demand and so is commercially valueless or unsaleable.
- (अनुपयुक्त वस्तु)
- 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
1. A Fair Hand
- Good handwritting.
- Do Something Oneself.
- (अच्छी लिखावट; बिना किसी की सहायता के कुछ करना)
2. A Fair Weather Friend
- Someone who remains a friend only when things are going well but abandons others during times of trouble or difficulty.
- (अच्छे समय का दोस्त, बुरे समय का दुश्मन)
3. A Far Cry
- A great distance; long way. a thing much different.
- (दूर की बात होना)
4. A Fatal Disease
- A disease that ends in death.
- (एक घातक रोग)
5. A Feather In One's Cap
- An accomplishment or achievement that one takes pride in.
- (कोई नई महान उपलब्धि)
6. A Fish Out Of Water
- A person in a completely unsuitable environment or situation.
- (पूरी तरह से अनुपयुक्त वातावरण या स्थिति में एक व्यक्ति; बेचैन आदमी)
7. A Hair Breadth Escape
- Very close escape.
- (बाल बाल बच जाना)
8. A Fly In The Ointment
- A single thing or person that is spoiling a situation that could have been very positive or enjoyable.
- (दूसरों की खुशी को बिगाड़ने वाला)
9. A Flying Visit
- A visit that only lasts a very short time.
- (क्षणस्थायी मुलाक़ात)
10. A Fool and His Money Are Easily Parted
- Someone who is foolish can easily lose their money as it would beeasy to dupe them out of it.
- (भोला-भाला इंसान जिसे आसानी से ठगा जा सके; पप्पू)
11. A Fool's Paradise
- State of delusive contentment or false hope.
- (काल्पनिक स्वर्ग, झूठी खुशी, हवाई किला)
12. A Forced Landing
- An emergency airplane landing made under some compulsion of circumstance (as engine failure, adverse weather conditions) Etc.
- (आपातकालीन उतराव)
13. A Forced March
- A movement on foot by soldiers or military prisoners, who must, in order to satisfy a military requirement, travel at a speed or in adverse conditions that would normally tire them excessively.
- (आकस्मिक हलचल)
14. A Foregone Conclusion
- A result that can be predicted with certainty.
- (पहले से किया हुआ फ़ैसला)
15. A Forlorn Hope
- A faint remaining hope or chance; a desperate attempt.
- (निराश आशा)
16. A Free Port
- A port or airport where goods can be brought in from foreign countries without payment of duty if they are going to be exported again.
- (शुल्क-विहीन बंदरगाह)
17. A French Window
- A pair of casement windows that reaches to the floor, opens in the middle, and is placed in an exterior wall.
- (ऐसा द्वार जो खिड़की का काम भी करता हो)
18. A Fresh Pair Of Eyes
- Examine something carefully.
- (किसी चीज की बारीकी से जाँच करना)
19. A Freudian Slip
- A speaker's unintentional mistake revealing his true thoughts.
- (अवचेतन मन की भावनाओं को प्रकट करने वाली भूल)
20. A Friend at Court
- An influential acquaintance who can promote one's interests .
- (एक व्यक्ति जो दूसरों की इक्षा को पूर्ण करने में मदद करता है)
21. A Gala-Day
- A day of sports, entertainment, etc, often organized in order to raise money for a charity, cause, school, etc.
- (ख़ुशी के दिन)
22. A Go-Getter
- A person who is ambitious and who isn't afraid to ask for and pursue what he wants.
- (एक साहसी व निर्भय इंसान)
23. A Going Concern
- A Successful Business.
- (सफल व्यापार)
24. A Golden Opportunity
- A chance to do something that is likely to be successful and rewarding.
- (एक अच्छा मौका)
25. A Golden Wedding
- A celebration of the 50th year of something, esp. a marriage.
- (50वीं वर्षगांठ)
26. A Good Address
- A residence in a fashinable district.
- (अच्छे शहर में कोई ठिकाना)
27. A Good Turn
- a good deed; friendly, helpful act.
- (किसी को मदद पँहुचना)
28. A Great hand at
- Being handled or cared for by a competent party; in a position to be well cared for.
- (किसी काम में निपुण होना)
29. A Green Belt
- A green belt is an area of land with fields or parks around a town or city, where people are not allowed to build houses or factories by law.
- (ऐसी हहरी-भरी जगह जहाँ मकान बनाना मना होता है)
30. A Ground Swell
- A broad deep undulation of the ocean caused by an often distant gale or seismic disturbance.
- (मौत का कुआँ)
1. A Hard Drinker
- Someone who often drinks a lot of alcohol.
- (अत्यधिक शराब पीने वाला)
2. A Hard Nut To Crack
- A problem that is very difficult to solve or a person who is very difficult to understand.
- (कठिन समस्या)
3. A Henpecked Husband
- Browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one's wife, girlfriend, etc.
- (पत्नी का गुलाम)
4. A Herculean Task
- An extremely difficult task; an almost impossible undertaking.
- (कठिन काम)
5. A High Flier
- Someone who has a lot of ability and a strong wish to be successful and is therefore expected to achieve a lot.
- (बड़े-बड़े सपने देखने वाला)
6. A High Flown Sentiment
- Exceedingly or excessively high or favorable.
- (उच्च भावना)
7. A Highly Coloured Report
- A report that is exaggerated or biased.
- (बढ़ा चढ़ाकर लिखी गई सूचनाएं)
8. A Hole and Corner Policy
- Secret policy.
- (गुप्त योजना)
9. A Hot Line
- A special direct phone connection for emergencies.
- (आपातकालीन सेवा के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली संचार)
10. A Hot Potato
- A problem so controversial and sensitive that it is risky to deal with.
- (ज्वलंत मुद्दा)
11. A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
- Success comes from sticking together and to do anything.
- (एक बंटा हुआ घर टिक नहीं सकता)
12. An Inside Job
- A crime commited by an individual who is in a position of trust and has access to "inside" knowledge in relation to the crime commited.
- (विश्वासघात)
13. A Jack Of All Trades
- A person who has dabbled in many skills, rather than gaining expertise by focusing on one.
- (हरफनमौला, चौदह विद्या निधान, माहिर)
14. A Klutz
- An Awkward/Uncoordinated Person.
- (गंवारा इंसान)
15. A Knock Down Price
- A very cheap price.
- (काफी कम दाम)
16. A Knotty Problem
- Complicated and difficult to solve.
- (कठिन समस्या)
17. A Ladies Man
- The guy who loves women but would not necessarily pursue another woman if he were involved in a relationship.
- (महिलाओं का चहेता; ऐय्यास)
18. A Lame Duck
- An unsuccessful person or thing.
- an elected official whose power is reduced because the person who will replace them has already been elected.
- (आलसी आदमी)
19. A Latchkey Child
- A child who returns from school to an empty home, or a child who is often left at home with little parental supervision, because their parent or parents are away at work.
- (वो बच्चा जिसके माँ-बाप काम करतें हो)
20. A Leading Article
- A piece of writing which gives the editor's opinion on an important news item.
- (प्रधान लेख)
21. A Leading Question
- A question that suggests the particular answer or contains the information the examiner is looking to have confirmed.
- (संकेतक प्रश्न)
22. A Leap In The Dark
- A daring step or enterprise whose consequences are unpredictable.
- (दुस्साहस भरा जोखिम)
23. A Left Hand Compliment
- A remark that seems to say something pleasant about a person but could also be an insult. Praising insincerely or too eagerly.
- (दिखावे की प्रशंसा)
24. A Leopard Can't Change His Spots
- it's impossible for one to change their character, even if they will try very hard.
- (अपनी आदतों को बदलना आसान नहीं होता)
25. A Let Down
- To make someone disappointed by not doing something that they are expecting you to do.
- (किसी को अप्रसन्न करना)
26. A Light Sleeper
- A regularly disturbed sleep.
- (अधूरी नींद)
27. A Live Wire
- Someone who is very energetic and has an enthusiastic personality.
- (काफी ऊर्जावान व्यक्ति)
28. A Low Blow
- An unscrupulous attack; an insult.
- (अपमान, निंदा)
29. A Maiden Speech
- The first speech given by a newly elected or appointed member of a legislature or parliament.
- (प्रथम भाषण)
30. A Man/Woman about Town
- A socially active, sophisticated woman/Man who frequents fashionable nightclubs, theaters, restaurants, etc.
- (आधुनिक जीवन शैली वाली महिला/पुरुष)
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